Poster Presentation The 35th Biennial Conference of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand 2024 (Crystal 35)

Developing pyrazole functionalised group 13-based metal-organic frameworks for post-synthetic modification (#213)

Mei Tieng Yong 1 , Josephine Smernik 1 , Christian Doonan 1 , Christopher Sumby 1
  1. The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Australia

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are highly tunable crystalline materials formed through the coordination-driven self-assembly between organic ligands and metal nodes.[1] Through careful ligand design, a vast number of reactive groups or functionalities can be incorporated into MOF structures to provide characteristics that can be tailored to specific applications. Post-synthetic metal ion exchange is an additional, valuable strategy for modifying the secondary building units of MOFs, and thereby enhancing their stability or properties for targeted applications.[2,3] Additionally, through this approach, MOFs that are difficult or impossible to synthesise directly through conventional methods can be made (e.g. Titanium-based MOFs can be made from a Zirconium-based MOF precursor).

As part of our interest in forming chemically and thermally robust flexible MOFs, this work presents the synthesis of a family of isostructural group 13-based MOFs prepared from flexible pyrazole carboxylate linkers and group 13 metal salts (where the metal is Aluminium, Gallium and Indium). These group 13-based MOFs feature hexagonal pores with notably large pore diameters of approximately 15.4 Å and vacant bispyrazole sites poised for post-synthetic metalation. Due to their structural flexibility and the relative stability of the metal-carboxylate bonds, the Indium analogue does not show permanent porosity, while the Al-MOF undergoes a structural change upon activation. Therefore, as a pathway to enhance the chemical and structural stability and to access the expected porosity for these materials, we explored post-synthetic metal ion exchange within this family of group 13 metal-containing MOFs. Additionally, we were also interested in developing a general method to access single crystals of Al-based MOFs suitable for X-ray crystallography. This would allow us to probe the effect of activation on structure, as crystals of Al-based MOFs are generally too small for structure determination, even at the MX beamlines of the Australian Synchrotron.  

  1. Furukawa H, Cordova KE, O’Keeffe M and Yaghi OM. Science, 2013, 341, 1230444.
  2. C. K. Brozek and M. Dincǎ, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014, 43, 5456–5467.
  3. A. M. Hamisu, A. Ariffin and A. C. Wibowo, Inorganica Chim. Acta, 2020, 511, 119801.